Watch Popular Thai Singer Techin Tell His Experience With Thinning Hair and SMP at Hair Scalp Center in Bangkok, Thailand

Tell us about your hair loss problem and why you decided to have scalp micropigmentation done.
Hi, my name is Techin. I am 32 years old and I'm a business owner, singer and actor.
I've had thinning hair for a long time. I started noticing it when I was 15-16 years old.
Whenever I touched or groomed my hair, I would say: "Wait! What! Am I losing hair?" My friends started teasing me and would say: "Hey you start losing your hair, bald head, shiny head!" or something similar.
When I was on tour, I used a lot of wax, hair spray and all kinds of chemicals. I began using so many hair loss products and I realized that I began losing more hair since then.
I used hair fiber, hair spray to cover the scalp. I used to take minoxidil firnasteride on a daily basis, multivitamins and apply a Minoxidil lotion. I have been through so many treatments And I questioned myself: "Which solution suits me the best?"
One day my wife came here to have her eyebrows and SMP done. When I saw the result, I was like "Ohh cool, that's interesting!"
I've been taking medication for quite some time but it doesn't really work for me. When the hair grows, it grows everywhere on the body except my head.
Hair especially grows on my face so I have to go for laser and it hurts so bad. So medication is not my thing and applying serum doesn't work for me either. I have been using it for quite some time without success.
I found out that this is a genetic hair loss, which is more of a hair loss pattern found in women. In other words, thinning hair all around my head is not the typical male hair loss pattern with receding hairline. But my thinning all around my head Ohh I got it from my mom, we had the same kind of hair loss.
Then my wife came here for her brows and SMP and I asked Master Nisa if I were a good candidate for this treatment. Oh and on top of that, I also have some alopecia and some scars from childhood. So many things to cover...
After I look at the results they had done here, I decided to give it a try.
How was the procedure? Was it painful?
The first time, I was quite excited about it and I was wondering whether it would work! It was slightly painful at the beginning but once the numbing effect kicked-in, I didn’t feel anything.
Oddly enough, it began to feel itchy. It was a bit strange for me because my scalp was not itchy but my back was itchy. I was like: “Can I just scratch my back and my arm for a minute?”
It's probably because of the nerves on the scalp that connect to the back and make it itchy. So I just needed to break a few times during the procedure. Master Nisa and Master Tum have a lot of patience for clients like me because I needed to break to scratch my back so many times. I’ve had a lot of fun chatting with them.
Result before and right after the 3rd SMP session | Hair Scalp Center | Bangkok, Thailand
Result before and right after the 3rd SMP session
What do you think of the result after SMP?
After the 1st session, I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like my head was not shiny as before and it seemed to have more volume. It then reduces the contrast with the scalp so that people won't notice it that much. It definitely helps conceal my thinning hair.
But some people might have very high expectations and may think like: "Oh ho! I will have fuller hair like before!" No, it's not like that.'
I would like to clarify the fact that tattooing the head doesn’t mean that your hair will grow back but it simulates the appearance of hair follicles.
After the 2nd and 3rd sessions, My friends or relatives began to notice the difference and asked me: "What did you do to your head, it doesn't look as shiny as before?" And then I would tell them about scalp micropigmentation, that I had SMP done here (at Hair Scalp Center).
It’s another effective hair loss treatment that helps boost up confidence in daily life. Wherever you go or do, in my case, scuba diving, or practice sport, you don’t need to always wear a hat, apply fiber contour or spray onto the scalp to cover it.
SMP makes your life much easier. You feel more confident, no need to worry about anyone looking at your head again.
Would you recommend having SMP done at Hair Scalp Center?
I’ve definitely recommended it to my friends and especially one of them who has the same problem. There is some kind of a hair loss community :) We share our experiences from different hair loss treatments.
As for hair transplantation, I really don't want to do it. Because they will extract hair from here and reimplant it there. So you will have more hair here but you will have scars there. I also saw that SMP could help cover hair transplant scars but it’s not ideal for me.
Now I think more of taking care of myself by having a good rest and taking vitamins. Scalp micropigmentation does not damage your existing hair. It adds volume, density and people stop noticing thinning hair.
After telling my friends about SMP, everyone seemed very interested wanted to come for an SMP consultation.
After getting SMP done, having my eyebrows tattooed Now I just wonder what I would come back for :) They have so many other services. Please come here and have a look!